Cyber security and data protection
CSDP 2024

The purpose of the seminar "Cyber security and data protection" (CSDP) is to create a forum for researchers to discuss current trends in the field of cyber security, risk management, critical infrastructure security, personal data security, countering information and psychological influence and OSINT methods, security of wireless and IoT networks, protection of communication channels and information and telecommunication systems, technical information protection, artificial intelligence systems and machine learning in cyber security, language models and deep fake attacks, cryptography and steganography. At CSDP, we encourage submissions in the field of cybersecurity. New applications of these methods to real-world problems are welcome.
We sincerely encourage all researchers working in all areas of CSDP to participate in the workshop and publish research results related to the following main topics:
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: June 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2024
Camera-ready submission: June 30, 2024
Workshop: June 30, 2024
Participation Fees
Registration fee: free
Call for Contributions
We invite academic researchers and practitioners to share their work by speaking or presenting a poster in plain English. Contributions should be submitted via e-mail to the conference organizing committee:
- Short article (with references) but 5 to 9 pages CEUR-WS.
- A typical article has at least 10 CEUR-WS pages and corresponding references.
Use the new Word template in CEURART for two columns when designing your contribution. Works designed according to other templates will be rejected (see example).
When preparing materials, pay attention to the following restrictions:
- One author can submit up to two reports.
- The number of authors in one article should be at most five.
- Self-citation should be at most 30% (of the total sources).
ARTICLES will be reviewed and selected based on relevance and quality. Participants can indicate their preferences regarding the presentation format, but the organizers reserve the right to decide.
The editorial team supports the world standards of transparency of the peer review process, so it practices double blind peer review of manuscripts: the author and reviewer are not informed of each other's names.
ARTICLES should be submitted to email: